About our name…
The Wampanoag Indian tribe trace their roots on Martha’s Vineyard back to 2270 BC and have had an important and historical role in the islands culture and development. The name Wampanoag means “People of the First Light” and before Benjamin Gosnold renamed the island Martha’s Vineyard in 1602 the Wampanoags called it Noepe meaning “land amid the waters”. The Wampanoags believed that the giant Moshup created Noepe and the neighboring islands, taught its people how to fish and to catch whales and still presides over the destiny of the tribe to this day.
Today, the language of the tribe Natick [which had fallen silent for more that 150 years] is now proudly being reclaimed and, in a respectful salute to their language, we have chosen their word for dwelling or home – Wekuwomut in its abbreviated form...Weku.
Welcome to the Weku House, our home, your home and to the island of the indigenous people, now called Martha’s Vineyard.